About Us

VIVID GROUP is a company specifically operating in the furniture industry, has a goal to provide complete customers' needs interms of paints and varnishes. Family owned VIVID GROUP was founded in Tehran in 2015, distributes a wide range of products including waterbased,U.V and high solid content products. Whit her state of the art RD facilities and expert staff. A comprehensive look at the wood and furniture industry internationally resulting from the 20 years of experience of the director and founder of the complex, the core of the team's mission would be to provide a specific type of knowledge-based services and solutions that their lack and vacuum have been the mainstay of many industry activists.

Vivid Group

VIVID GROUP is a company specifically operating in the furniture industry, has a goal to provide complete customers' needs interms of paints and varnishes. Family owned VIVID GROUP was founded in Tehran in 2015, distributes a wide range of products including waterbased,U.V and high solid content products. Whit her state of the art RD facilities and expert staff.

Vivid Chap

VIVID GROUP is a company specifically operating in the furniture industry, has a goal to provide complete customers' needs interms of paints and varnishes. Family owned VIVID GROUP was founded in Tehran in 2015, distributes a wide range of products including waterbased,U.V and high solid content products. Whit her state of the art RD facilities and expert staff.

Vivid Service

VIVID GROUP is a company specifically operating in the furniture industry, has a goal to provide complete customers' needs interms of paints and varnishes. Family owned VIVID GROUP was founded in Tehran in 2015, distributes a wide range of products including waterbased,U.V and high solid content products. Whit her state of the art RD facilities and expert staff.


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Call To Action

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Contact Us

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Hall 15E, Iran Industrial Industries Improvement
Town, Ahmadabad Mostofi, Parsa
Square, Azadegan Highway, Tehran.

Phone Number

office Phone:
(+98) 2156717842-2156717843-215671736
sales Phone:
(+98) 9120630359 – 9120630379 – 9197751721

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